Friday, August 27, 2021

Rudolf Steiner Mystery School, Theosophy, Anthroposophy, and Aquarian Age Research Quest.

Of course Rudolf Steiner had Goethe and Biodynamics, Waldorf Schools, architecture, and a unique Christology; but did he also have H.P.Blavatsky's Theosophy of the Rosicrucian!?! The impulse of the Rosy Cross was to meet the material world with spiritual wisdom and enlightenment values of universal wisdom and harmony of feelings, heaven and earth were to play together. Here was to be freedom and love, compassion and insight., awake spirit/soul/body. Here an Inner Human awakening participates more fully with the whole of life and future of earth, bringing a more lasting happiness and peace, a collective and individual raising to Higher Consciousness, peace and love, divine smarts! Join me in the research and quest for truth and compassion in the heart and mind of all. There is a spiritual oneness ('at-One-ment', atonement is being at ONE while permeating the diverse; the One and Many dancing),. There is a Spirit Univesal, a material or body or vehicle, and a psyche soul mind stream continuum , yes? With the troubles of the world today, each of us is called upon to look again with our hearts and minds, our spiritual souls, for the golden keys as portrayed in both the christian 'Sermon on the Mount' and the earlier 'Divine Pymander' of Hermes Trismesgistus and his 'Secret Sermon on the Mount'. Steiner and Blavatsky explored every thing! Both 'Sermons on the Mount' speak of 'Virtue Mind' overcoming non-Virtue. That is real theosophy and anthroposophy, living the life, purifying and illuminating our life to be a chalice or heart grail for the Higher Self, the Spirit Self, the awakened mind/heart stream. Our times need a renewal of the arts, a renewal of thought and heart, a renewal of courage, truth, and love for world peace and peace of mind. The world and all humanity could use a little more wisdom and compassion. To this end and new beginning, I call fellow students of spiritual science to join me. Check out my other talks and music too; subscribe! Blessings, robert of mayflower Consider subscribing, sharing, donating, and pondering the mystery of being a human being, part and whole to the Universe. All the good books available at Mayflower Bookshop in Berkley Mi. 24072 Tele~ (248) 547-8227

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robert of mayflower

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