Sunday, July 18, 2021

Fossil fuel-free jet propulsion with air plasmas

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A prototype design of a plasma jet thruster can generate thrusting pressures on the same magnitude a commercial jet engine can, using only air and electricity

A schematic diagram of a prototype microwave air plasma thruster and the images of the bright plasma jet at different microwave powers. This device consists of a microwave power supply, an air compressor, a compressed microwave waveguide and a flame ignitor.


Jau Tang and Jun Li

Imagine if the world knew about the "Searl Effect Generator"

The S.E.G. can produce up to one MegaWatt...

It can if built massive enough.
The same 3 ringed model can produce 15kW when it is 3 feet in diameter and 4 inches tall weighing about 180 pounds. Rule of thumb is 90 watts per pound.
So if you want 1 megawatt (1 million watts...)
You would divide 1,000,000 by 90 which gives you 11,111.1111 pounds. You would need to build a 3 ringed SEG weighing 5.5 tons in order to produce up to 1 megawatt before it overloads and goes superconductive.

Jason Verbelli on how the "Searl Effect Generator"
can provide energy for electric thrust...
Jason Verbelli

SEG Magnetics Inc. is an energy research company developing 
the Searl Effect Generator by John R.R. Searl.

An alternative energy solution to gas, coal and oil problems compromising 

our world's environment.

The purpose is to power homes and cars and industry without needing gasoline, oil, nuclear power, solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal or hydroelectric. 

It's a completely revolutionary method of generating 

electricity by extracting the energy from all 

around us in the form of incoherence.


SEG Society
The SEG Society is a site managed by SEG Magnetics, for people who are not accredited investors to buy memberships, up to a share/shares in the company.

click for larger view
Download Package
want more info on S.E.G. Magnetics INC. "SEARL EFFECT GENERATOR" 
and it's inventor John R. R. Searl. Learn the basic's of this technology in a
download that is free for anyone.
100MB download file : 

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