Monday, April 22, 2019

save earth this year : )

click this link and save earth from the fossil fuel cabal.

Searl Effect Generator 
An alternative energy solution to gas, coal and oil problems 
compromising our world's environment.

a Searl Effect Generator (SEG) prototype has the potential to wipe out fossil fuel forever and end climate change, if only people would donate to the building of a prototype. We could change the world forever & america could once again stand proud as a country of innovation. 

SEG Magnetics Inc. is an energy research company developing the (SEG);
 also known as the Searl Effect Generator by John R.R. Searl.

S.E.G. Society
The SEG Society is a place to donate funds for the building of a prototype clean energy device called the "Spatial Effect Generator" by inventor John R.R. Searl. A company called S.E.G. Magnetics in Spring valley, California is realizing John R.R. Searl's dream to bring his Generator to life and save planet EARTH.

Happy earth Day : )


  1. Yes , it's a earth day every day and moment, till the live and the planet exist . We have to appreciate the earth every moment, because we're the earth.
    Many people are aware of the advice technology which exists .
    The problem is the deep state powerful elite keeps it a way from the people .
    People have to do it themselves , sharing information and knowledge .
    thanks for spreading awareness 🙏

    1. thank you for your kind statement, I treat every day like its earth day by spreading awareness of the SEG. I figure the more people who know about this project, the more likely the SEG will get funded. Thanks for staying in the know & spread the word by sharing this blog link...
