Tuesday, September 23, 2014

It's not my fault, people don't read... Coast to coast AM 2004


Lavar Burton 1980s

For the first time ever, over five dozen top-secret military,government, intelligence and corporate witnesses to secret projects tell their true stories which disclose the greatest covert program in world history. This explosive testimony by actual government insiders proves that UFOs are real, that some are of extraterrestrial origin and that super-secret programs have energy and propulsion technologies that will enable humanity to begin a new civilization - a civilization without pollution, without poverty - a civilization capable of traveling among the stars. This is not just a story about UFOs, ETs and secret projects: It is the story of how 50 years of human evolution have been deferred and how these secret projects contain the real solution to the world energy crisis, the environmental crisis and world poverty.

The G-Engines Are Coming!
the government stopped articles like this in the 1950s, because they knew if people got educated it would be the end of big oil...

its fun for kids of all ages : )

Man-Made UFOs
Oil Cartels Control the Price of Warfare
This poster was created in 2012 using photoshop, its purpose is to promote authors on the subject of flying saucers - anti-gravity - zero point energy - nikola tesla - secret weapons of WWII - remote viewing - disclosure & 9/11.
download poster

click for larger view

click for larger view
Look at the images below and you'll see Dr. Greer is just messing with people to see if they are actually paying attention. Because neither of said technologies are mentioned in the sirius film.

An alternative energy solution to gas, coal and oil problems compromising 

our world's environment.

The purpose is to power homes and cars and industry without needing gasoline, oil, nuclear power, solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal or hydroelectric. 

It's a completely revolutionary method of generating 

electricity by extracting the energy from all 

around us in the form of incoherence.

Unacknowledged : 
An Expose Of The Worlds Greatest Secret
The Biggest Lie in History is about to be Shattered. UFOs are real. In late June of 1947, three extraterrestrial craft were downed outside Roswell Air Force Base. Many more followed, revealing dozens of ET species and a Rosetta Stone to a new physics an energy generation and propulsion system responsible for interstellar space travel. This new system could have easily replaced oil, gas, coal, nuclear plants and with them, the entire geo-political and economic order on our planet -- only a cabal of bankers, the Military Industrial Complex, and Big Oil stopped it. We've been lied to. And now, 70 years after Roswell the witnesses to that lie have come forward to testify in a MUST-READ book that will shock the world. Look for the accompanying documentary to be released from The Orchard, a division of Sony.

Mayflower Bookshop

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