Monday, February 28, 2022

South Park : season 25 - episode four : BACK TO THE COLD WAR


PC Principal questions the number of Nuclear Emergency Drills Mr. Mackey has been conducting at school. The all-new episode titled, "Back to the Cold War" premieres Wednesday,
March 2nd at 8p ET/PT on Comedy Central.

'Be with You' - robert thibodeau & the detroit jewels

robert thibodeau & the detroit jewels share another one with you, Cheers! "Its Classic Rock!" ~WRIF said so! "How can this world be soul bad, gave it the best we had, we been had!? ....something inside us never parts, pulls us from the deep of our hearts!"

robert tthibodeau & the detroit jewels

Robert Thibodeau
mayflower bookshop
2645 W. 12 Mile rd
Berkley, Mi. 48072

tele: (248) 547-8227

robert of mayflower bookshop YouTube channel :

donations welcome at
thank you so much for listening in,
robert of mayflower

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

dead men don't pull triggers


The tests conducted after Mr. Cobain's death determined that the level of heroin in his bloodstream was 1.52 milligrams per liter.

Heroin levels as low as .05 mg --one-third the concentration in Mr. Cobain's blood -- have been fatal in certain cases.

click for larger view

copy & paste this text & images all over the net...

FINALLY! PROOF COBAIN DID NOT SHOOT HIMSELF! For most of the last 20 years (written in 2014), we have only had the inset image of the right half of Kurt Cobains body, along with police reports and interviews with the coroner, Dr. Nikolas Hartshorne to describe the condition that Cobain was found. Probably the most important clue that Cobain death authors, the Seattle PD, and other investigators have sparred over is a bodily event that takes place when one is shot in the head while conscious (as in a suicide,) called a "Cadaveric Spasm." This event is when the body braces for, or tenses up, while consciously receiving a deadly gunshot to the head and basically "freezes" in the position of death, causing ones hands to ball up into what is otherwise known as a "death grip." The attached photo, which we can only assume was released by the SPD as an oversight, shows Cobain's right hand in a loosely OPEN position. This proves that the left hand could not possibly have been locked around the barrel of the shotgun as reported by Dr. Hartshorne (a close friend of Courtney's) because a cadaveric spasm works symmetrically on both sides of the body. This half of Kurt's hand shown at a new angle, revealed after two decades of being buried in a police evidence vault, proves that Kurt did NOT have the cadaveric spasm that we were all told he did. If the right hand isn't clenched, the left couldn't have been tightly gripping the barrel unless the time of death was actually much closer to police arrival and Cobain's remain's were still in rigor mortis, his hand having been placed around the gun barrel by someone else after they shot into a dead, overdosed body (presumably by accident, by another person who most likely believed this heart was still beating) which caused the burn on his right thumb. The lack of any kind of blood "spatter," and only the presence of "seepage" from Kurt's left ear also points to Cobain having no blood pressure, and therefore no heartbeat when the gun was discharged into his mouth. This photo is absolute proof that Cobain had not achieved cadaveric spasm, which leads to the fact that he was already dead when the gun went off and therefore could not have shot himself. This coupled with the earlier post on this page showing what looks like a jabbing hypodermic needle wound that never got to bruise, point to Cobain being injected with a large amount of heroin and shot by another person(s).

original post from
on Facebook

Friday, February 18, 2022

'Samsara to Nirvana' : Robert Thibodeau

friends, I'm actually not sure what this song is about!? Ha! Samsara is this suffering world where people we know (any of us) take a fall, then rise again, flower again, find friend again, find Nirvana, heaven, happiness and bliss. Each of us suffers and somehow idealizes a heaven to get to. For some its a casino or a game. For others its a garden or kitchen, bed or living room. Each imagination is different. My band 'the Detroit Jewels' says "its has a "VIBE"! Soul it does. Please share if you like it, or even donate in support of home made music, folk rock, pop rock, alternative new sound music, classic rock and novelty shock. Bless your heart garden of friends, robert tthibodeau & the detroit jewels

Robert Thibodeau
mayflower bookshop
2645 W. 12 Mile rd
Berkley, Mi. 48072

tele: (248) 547-8227

robert of mayflower bookshop YouTube channel :

donations welcome at
thank you so much for listening in,
robert of mayflower

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Here's another panoramic shot of the X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology aircraft


Here's another panoramic shot of the X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology aircraft as it undergoes structural stress tests at the Lockheed Martin test facility in Fort Worth, Texas. Once all the structural tests are complete, the team – which includes NASA and Lockheed Martin representatives from Palmdale, CA – will turn their attention to performing fuel tank calibration tests.

Tests are being conducted to make sure the airplane structure won’t break apart in flight when exposed to stresses small & extreme.

📸 Credits: Lockheed Martin

Friday, February 11, 2022

NASA’s X-59 Calls on Texas for Key Testing


This panoramic side view of NASA’s X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology airplane shows the aircraft sitting on jacks at a Lockheed Martin test facility in Fort Worth, Texas. 
Credits: Lockheed Martin

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Model Planes: Studying NASA’s Quiet Supersonic Aircraft Before It Flies

Don Durston was obsessed with building model planes as a kid, and he never grew out of it. His models are just a whole lot more sophisticated these days!

Growing up, he assembled plastic models of various airplanes, from a Cessna 172 to an Air Force F-4 Phantom. And when he heard real fighter jets pass overhead at supersonic speeds, the sonic booms they produced got him excited about studying how airplanes fly.

Today, Durston, an aerospace engineer at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley, leads the agency’s wind tunnel testing for sonic boom research under the Commercial Supersonic Technology project. He is pictured here in October 2021 with a model he helped design of NASA’s X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology, or QueSST, aircraft, made ready for testing in the 8- by 6-foot supersonic wind tunnel at NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

S.E.G. Magnetics Inc. is a corporation...

SEG Magnetics Inc. is an energy research company developing 
the Searl Effect Generator by John R.R. Searl.


S.E.G. Magnetics is corporation that requires investors to be accredited...

Searl Effect Generator

An alternative energy solution to gas, coal and oil problems compromising our world's environment.

The purpose is to power homes and cars and industry without needing gasoline, oil, nuclear power, solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal or hydroelectric. It's a completely revolutionary method of generating electricity by extracting the energy from all around us in the form of incoherence.

a 1990 Wind tunnel test of America's secret hypersonic aircraft...


Evidence that America has been secretly operating an unknown aircraft since the 1990's...

Monday, February 7, 2022

South Park : season 25 - episode two : The Big Fix

NEW YORK - Monday, February 7th – On this week's episode of “South Park,” “The Big Fix,” Stan’s horrified to realize he’s misinterpreted some of the greatest writing of all time.

'Stop Chasing Rainbows' with robert thibodeau & the detroit jewels

Robert Thibodeau and the detroit jewels from the 'One Song, Many Rivers' recording sessions returns with 'Stop Chasing Rainbows' (....and dollars without spiritual wisdom). Metaphysically and Spiritually, to bring peace to self and the world, one needs attune and tune one's mind heart to the higher angel, spirit, and force of universal love and truth, the 'buddhi-manas' of Blavatsky. Music and words can be a healthy means to such world peace and co-creative spirit soul working for the good, true, beautiful in all.

~robert thibodeau and the Detroit Jewels

Robert Thibodeau
mayflower bookshop
2645 W. 12 Mile rd
Berkley, Mi. 48072

tele: (248) 547-8227

robert of mayflower bookshop YouTube channel :

donations welcome at
thank you so much for listening in,
robert of mayflower

Lockheed Martin : Another step closer to revolutionizing supersonic flight


Pictured is the X-59 QueSST being lowered into its ground testing fixture. NASA and our Skunk Works® team are conducting fuel and structural proof tests in preparation for its transformational flight later this year.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

spaceman 6 = feb 6, 2022

Secrets of Power

secrets of power
2020 is the 20th anniversary of Secrets of power

Mind Power : The Secret of mental Magic
In secrets of power : Ingo Swann says their are no books to empower people, 
he just did not know about William Waker Atkinson & his book 
"MIND POWER & The Secret Of Mental Magic".

click for larger view

Bank turmoil drags oil prices down

When Banks Fail, OIL goes down with them. 

Want real climate change?

watch how past president's 
made empty promise's to get off OIL...

6/16/2010 - The last eight presidents have gone on television and promised to move 

America towards an energy-independent future.

America has been back engineering 

german "NAZI" saucer tech since 1945. 

Operation "LUSTY" ("Luftwaffe Secret Technology").
watch the White limo enlighten cookie monster...

click for larger view
Man-Made UFOs
Oil Cartels Control the Price of Warfare
This poster was created in 2012 using photoshop, its purpose is to promote authors on the subject of flying saucers - anti-gravity - zero point energy - nikola tesla - secret weapons of WWII - remote viewing - disclosure & 9/11.
download poster

Poster Copyright Claim
Oil Cartels Control the Price of Warfare

Book Time-line 1993-2012

Who gives a Hoot, pollute...
Give Me Hope.

petroleum nightmare

Car Companies would not listen...
Maybe you will?
a conversation with john searl about installing an S.E.G. (Searl Effect Generator) 
in a electric car, giving it unlimited range.

Suggested reading

hitlers suppressed and secret weapons

zero point energy

secrets of antigravity propulsion


Searl Effect Generator

An alternative energy solution to gas, coal and oil problems compromising 

our world's environment.

The purpose is to power homes and cars and industry without needing gasoline, oil, nuclear power, solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal or hydroelectric. It's a completely revolutionary method of generating electricity by extracting the energy from all around us in the form of incoherence.

Download Package
want more info on S.E.G. Magnetics INC. "SEARL EFFECT GENERATOR" 
and it's inventor John R. R. Searl. Learn the basic's of this technology in a
download that is free for anyone.
155MB download file :

renewable energy

Climate Emergency

If Congress declare's a Climate Emergency, 
I hope they remember the work of
S.E.G. Magnetics Inc.

SEG Magnetics Inc. is an energy research company developing 
the Searl Effect Generator by John R.R. Searl.


S.E.G. Society
The SEG Society is a site managed by SEG Magnetics, for people who are not accredited investors to buy memberships, up to a share/shares in the company.
We mastered gravity control - October 1954!
billion $ secret
 Billion Dollar Secret is a 1999 TLC video that was distributed by Discovery Channel. This film, written and narrated by Nick Cook, investigates military "black projects" in the United States as a possible explanation for many UFO sightings.

click for larger view
list of scientific ufo studies for the pentagon