Monday, June 28, 2021

Anthroposophy, Theosophy, and the holy grail of the Aquarian Age. Steiner meets HPB again!

Rudolf Steiner after the burning of the first Goetheanum, laid the foundation stone (Foundation Stone Meditation) in the hearts of the members and friends of Anthroposophy. A very spiritual move. H.P. Blavatsky, who Steiner called 'A World Event', near end of her life wrote 'The Voice of the Silence'. The Dalai Lama personally told me that The Voice of the Silence was good edition of 'The Heart Sutra'. It is time Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Hermetics, NeoPlatonism, and Manly Hall's works, finally meet again to bless the world with peace and love, higher truths and Spirit Soul Wisdom! Bless your hearts, robert of mayflower Subscribe to our channel! Feel free to donate to our work. ~mayflower bookshop , 2645 W. 12 Mile, Berkley, Mi. 48072

We have PayPal where you can send us support at

White LIMO poster UpGrade 2021

Upgraded the URL in the poster from to

Friday, June 25, 2021

Please HELP if you can : EARTH Depends on it...

Spatial Effect Generator
What is the Spatial Effect Generator (SEG)?
An alternative energy solution to gas, coal and oil problems compromising our world's environment.

The purpose is to power homes and cars and industry without needing gasoline, oil, nuclear power, solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal or hydroelectric. It's a completely revolutionary method of generating electricity by extracting the energy from all around us in the form of incoherence.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

AIR FORCE Inspector General

WWII flying saucer disclosure

I encourage everyone to write the AIR FORCE Inspector General until the truth comes out...

Office of the AF Inspector General

1140 AF Pentagon

Washington DC, 20330-1140

We mastered gravity control - October 1954!
back engineered german "NAZI" Mercury Engine Saucer...

Monday, June 7, 2021

Up-Close View of NASA’s X-59 Engine Inlet


NASA’s X-59 requires the use of creative and strategic supersonic technologies to control and soften the jarring sound that hits the ground as the aircraft flies faster than the speed of sound above. One of these creative technologies is the placement of the X-59 engine inlet.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

June 6th 2021 = spaceman 6

Secrets of Power

secrets of power
2020 is the 20th anniversary of Secrets of power

Mind Power : The Secret of mental Magic
In secrets of power : Ingo Swann says their are no books to empower people, 
he just did not know about William Waker Atkinson & his book 
"MIND POWER & The Secret Of Mental Magic".

click for larger view

Bank turmoil drags oil prices down

When Banks Fail, OIL goes down with them. 

Want real climate change?

watch how past president's 
made empty promise's to get off OIL...

6/16/2010 - The last eight presidents have gone on television and promised to move 

America towards an energy-independent future.

America has been back engineering 

german "NAZI" saucer tech since 1945. 

Operation "LUSTY" ("Luftwaffe Secret Technology").
watch the White limo enlighten cookie monster...

click for larger view
Man-Made UFOs
Oil Cartels Control the Price of Warfare
This poster was created in 2012 using photoshop, its purpose is to promote authors on the subject of flying saucers - anti-gravity - zero point energy - nikola tesla - secret weapons of WWII - remote viewing - disclosure & 9/11.
download poster

Poster Copyright Claim
Oil Cartels Control the Price of Warfare

Book Time-line 1993-2012

Who gives a Hoot, pollute...
Give Me Hope.

petroleum nightmare

Car Companies would not listen...
Maybe you will?
a conversation with john searl about installing an S.E.G. (Searl Effect Generator) 
in a electric car, giving it unlimited range.

Suggested reading

hitlers suppressed and secret weapons

zero point energy

secrets of antigravity propulsion


Searl Effect Generator

An alternative energy solution to gas, coal and oil problems compromising 

our world's environment.

The purpose is to power homes and cars and industry without needing gasoline, oil, nuclear power, solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal or hydroelectric. It's a completely revolutionary method of generating electricity by extracting the energy from all around us in the form of incoherence.

Download Package
want more info on S.E.G. Magnetics INC. "SEARL EFFECT GENERATOR" 
and it's inventor John R. R. Searl. Learn the basic's of this technology in a
download that is free for anyone.
155MB download file :

renewable energy

Climate Emergency

If Congress declare's a Climate Emergency, 
I hope they remember the work of
S.E.G. Magnetics Inc.

SEG Magnetics Inc. is an energy research company developing 
the Searl Effect Generator by John R.R. Searl.


S.E.G. Society
The SEG Society is a site managed by SEG Magnetics, for people who are not accredited investors to buy memberships, up to a share/shares in the company.
We mastered gravity control - October 1954!
billion $ secret
 Billion Dollar Secret is a 1999 TLC video that was distributed by Discovery Channel. This film, written and narrated by Nick Cook, investigates military "black projects" in the United States as a possible explanation for many UFO sightings.

click for larger view
list of scientific ufo studies for the pentagon