Tuesday, November 26, 2019
South Park Season 23 episode 8
Monday, November 25, 2019
Foo Fighters LOVE Magnets : )
Dave Grohl is a Magnet-Man
foo fighters news
foo fighters news
Thursday, November 21, 2019
marianne williamson on reversing climate change
Spatial Effect Generator (SEG)
The (SEG) is a Zero Point Electromagnetic Generator.
a (SEG) prototype has the potential to wipe out fossil fuel forever and end climate change, if only people would donate to the building of a prototype. We could change the world forever & america could once again stand proud as a country of innovation.
The (SEG) is a Zero Point Electromagnetic Generator.
a (SEG) prototype has the potential to wipe out fossil fuel forever and end climate change, if only people would donate to the building of a prototype. We could change the world forever & america could once again stand proud as a country of innovation.
Monday, November 18, 2019
marianne williamson - A Humanitarian Bottom Line
Democratic Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson at the California Democratic Party 2019 Fall Endorsing Convention.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
nick cook - IRVA 2020 keynote speaker
International Remote Viewing Association
Friday, November 15, 2019
A Gamers Journey - exclusive trailer
A brand new exclusive trailer for the upcoming Netflix documentary AGamersJourney.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Foo Fighters’ new album is going to be “fucking weird” says Dave Grohl
Speaking to Eric Blair, host of Blairing Out With Eric Blair Show, Grohl kept tight lipped for the most part but offered three words that best describe how the band’s 10th studio album is going to sound.
1 to 1.5 million needed to complete the one ring SEG prototype
Searl Effect Generator (SEG)
John R. R. Searl 1932 - 2018
It's called the Searl Effect Generator (SEG)
John Searl the inventor of the (SEG) was an employee of a national UK electricity company that allowed him to use all of the resources of its facilities during the 1950s.
The inventor, John Searl had a working unit operating for 30 years, until 1981 when electric company confiscated it from his home as an illegal device according to UK rules and regulations. The event was covered by the newspapers and it went to court, but the electric company refused to present the device in court, so their allegations against the inventor were dropped. However, the unit was never returned to Searl and that was the last evidence of the SEG from the 1950s.
Jason Verbelli President of SEG Magnetics
story on john searl & the electric board in the 1950's
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The reason SEG Magnetics
has not blown-up in popularity
Searl Effect Generator (SEG)
a Searl Effect Generator (SEG) prototype has the potential to wipe out fossil fuel forever and end climate change, if only people would donate to the building of a prototype. We could change the world forever & america could once again stand proud as a country of innovation.
S.E.G. Mock-Up
https://zerohurt.blogspot.com/2021/09/thats-it-just-3-million-to-build.htmlSearl Effect Generator (SEG)
a Searl Effect Generator (SEG) prototype has the potential to wipe out fossil fuel forever and end climate change, if only people would donate to the building of a prototype. We could change the world forever & america could once again stand proud as a country of innovation.
Can the SEG really provide enough power to run your home?
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Searl Effect Generator
An alternative energy solution to gas, coal and oil problems compromising our world's environment.
The purpose is to power homes and cars and industry without needing gasoline, oil, nuclear power, solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal or hydroelectric. It's a completely revolutionary method of generating electricity by extracting the energy from all around us in the form of incoherence.
Download Package
want more info on S.E.G. Magnetics INC. "SEARL EFFECT GENERATOR"
and it's inventor John R. R. Searl. Learn the basic's of this technology in a
download that is free for anyone.
155MB download file :
john searl's man-made flying saucer from the 1960s
Ether-technology :
"Ether-Vortex-Turbine" in england :
it tells the story of john searl & the searl effect.
Fernando Morris explains why he believe's
he can recreate the SEARL EFFECT GENERATOR - 2009...
The "Searl Effect Generator" - can only be build with the knowledge of "The Law Of Squares", which Fernando Morris of "S.E.G. Magnetics" has...
If you wish to have a look at the "Law Of Squares" books,
follow the link below :

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Fernando Morris & John Searl
Fernando Morris & Jason Verbelli
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what is the S.E.G. mock-up
Jason Verbelli President of SEG Magnetics
a mock-up does not produce energy...
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a mock-up is a motor, not a generator...
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Jason Verbelli President of SEG Magnetics
SEG Magnetics never lowered their aim to a first stage 12 roller SEG, but it was always their plan to prove concept with the one ring unit.
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Jason Verbelli President of SEG Magnetics
a mock-up does not produce energy...
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a mock-up is a motor, not a generator...
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Jason Verbelli President of SEG Magnetics
SEG Magnetics never lowered their aim to a first stage 12 roller SEG, but it was always their plan to prove concept with the one ring unit.
click for larger view
SEG Magnetics Inc. is an energy research company developing
the Searl Effect Generator (SEG)
frequently asked questions
The (SEG) can only be redeveloped in a laboratory and machine shops with industrial resources typically costing millions in infrastructure as it was done in the past by the inventor John Searl.
Please note that the only reason this technology is not in market is due to fact that it has NOT yet received the $3M (at least) required to fully execute our SEG development plan.
SEG Magnetics, Inc. - This is still just a research project with little funding and very difficult technical problems to solve. When we have a functioning prototype everyone will know about it.
Jason Verbelli President of SEG Magnetics
how jason verbelli feels about SEG Magnetics
Jason Verbelli President of SEG Magnetics
how jason verbelli feels about SEG Magnetics
not reaching its $3 MILLION dollar goal...
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SEG Magnetics failed indiegogo attempt in 2017
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SEG Magnetics failed indiegogo attempt in 2017
One share of Searl stock = 1500.00
STOCK - 06.28.2023
Shareholder : roman petersonOne share of Searl stock = 1500.00
2000 x 1500.00 = 3000000.00
seg magnetics has to sell two thousand shares to make their prototype SEG.
Why SEG Magnetic's needs 3 million dollars
qualify as an accredited investor.
S.E.G. Magnetics is corporation
that requires investors to be accredited...
e-mail :
FERNANDO MORRIS : SEG Magnetics CEO / SEG Project Mgr.
On the difference between being accedited & buying a share for $1500.00 from SEG Magnetics & donating to the SEG Society in the sum of $1500.00...
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S.E.G. Magnetics only Secret
On the difference between being accedited & buying a share for $1500.00 from SEG Magnetics & donating to the SEG Society in the sum of $1500.00...
click for larger view
S.E.G. Magnetics only Secret
The SEG Society is a way for non-accredited investors to support SEG Magnetics...
invest money for SEG development.
invest money for SEG development.
click the Become a Member button at the seg society to go to paypal, invest any amount - everything helps SEG Magnetics...
click for larger view
If you'd like to skip the S.E.G. Society and donate straight to S.E.G. Magnetics Inc. ,
click the link below :
you have to remember that all investments go to the research & development of the Spatial Effect Generator. That in it's self should be enough reason to invest in SEG Magnetics. To have the project lifted off the ground by the people who care about the effects this device will have on mother earth, would be the most awesome thing in the world. Please spread the word about this page to your friends, the more people who are in the know, the better.
The SEG Society is an organization in support of SEG research and development. SEGS is also a public membership opportunity for the small investor to crowdfund the SEG Technology. As a member of the Society, you can support SEGS's role in paving the way for humanitarian and commercial projects. SEGS members are among the first and foremost to benefit from the production and marketing of this technology.
The cost of the S.E.G
after production
Universal Energy Coin
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SEG Magnetics facebook Group
Universal Energy Coin
e-mail :
on how he started at SEG Magnetics...
The five pics below:
Jason Verbelli put investing into perspective with these past posts to SEG Magnetics facebook group...
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SEG Magnetics is in need of funding to build their one ring - 12 roller demonstrator proving the SEG produces electrons...
SEG Magnetics urgent need for funding...
SEG Magnetics facebook Group
wanna know what the 3 million is needed for? a list of everything SEG MAGNETICS needs to build their prototype is in this PDF...
SEG Magnetics Reqiurements Report:
download the SEG Magnetics Reqiurements Report PDFwanna know what the 3 million is needed for? a list of everything SEG MAGNETICS needs to build their prototype is in this PDF...
Fernando D. Morris (Morris) was initially inspired by a small book titled Ether-Technology in 1980 that contained a chapter about John R.R. Searl (Searl) and his revolutionary technology. This influenced Morris interest into the electrical field as a job career and personal interest in technology research for the rest of his life. In 1995, Morris joined the effort as USA effort and began experimenting with the electrical aspects related to the SEG concept for eight years and cost was out of pocket. However, Morris developed three prototype magnetizers that successfully produced magnetic waveforms. In 2003, Searl experienced major fallout with his UK groups that left him without any support. At that point, Morris made the decision to make direct contact for the first time with Searl which rescued him from dire living conditions at that time. Henceforth, together they began rebuilding the prospects of making the SEG a reality. In 2008, after 5 years of commitment in clearing up the internet of misinformation and skepticism about Searl, Morris resigned from his IBM career for the SEG development opportunity in Thailand. In 2010, Morris gained enough experience to proceeded in setting up a company as a research center based in California. This represents over 20 years of Morris involvement and investigations into the technical merits of the SEG concept. Now with years of experience in corporate management and project development, Morris is leading the SEG business venture with shear determination and steadfast commitment for the project, its shareholder and ultimately for the benefit of humanity.
SEG Magnetics, Inc. has been working with two main goals in mind:
1) First to examine, understand, research, and confirm with demonstrable hardware that isolates each aspect of the concept's many facets which supports and warrants further technical investigation of the SEG concept.
2) To ultimately bring the results of that research into production with its specialized magnetics process to the clean energy markets that can utilize such multi-poled magnetic field motors and generators.
Steadfast determination into SEG R&D (not previously fully investigated by any other company), has provided a clearer understanding that it does involve both science and engineering suitable for mass production; however it does involve a unique and complex magnetization process.
After years of close cooperative efforts with John Searl the inventor of the concept, Morris has established corporate research facilities to investigate this technology. Phase one is currently in progress: setting up a new laboratory dedicated to researching and prototyping the SEG concept. Phase two is mass-production with $50M to $500M. The opportunity is open to qualified investors and business partners interested in entering the Energy markets with a new emerging and advanced electrical generator technology.
Searl Effect Generator (SEG) investment letter
the SEG investment letter is our best bet to get the Spatial Effect Generator promoted & funded. If you can please mail out printed copies of this pdf to your favorite companies or world governments to get this technology lifted off the drawing board & birthed into a prototype... your help is greatly appreciated... thank you : )
S.E.G Magnetics PostCard mailing 2021-2023
Car Companies would not listen...
Maybe you will?
a conversation with john searl about installing an S.E.G. (Searl Effect Generator) in a
electric car, giving it unlimited range.
all car brands are invited to invest in this unique Zero-Point Energy technology that will give the electric car unlimited range without the need of costly batteries :
clean energy future now...
- invest here -
Suggested reading
read the text in all black boxes beside each book below for more info on the SEG & zero point energy. click the links for larger view...
hitlers suppressed and secret weapons
zero point energy
secrets of antigravity propulsion
download this SUPER article/interview with John R.R. Searl from Dec 1993...
SPINTRONICS Betrayal to John R. R. Searl
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